The Day is a unit of time generally defined as an interval equal to 24 hours. One day, it is understood as the period of time, that the Earth leads to make a rotating movement around itself. Mainly due to the effects of the tides, this period of rotation of the Earth is not constant, resulting in small variations throughout the year. To counteract these small oscillations, in 1955, astronomers defined a new time scale based on the distance from Earth to the Sun, which is more accurate than the rotational motion of our planet. Given that a full rotation is 360º, if we divide this value by the 24 hours that a day has, we will get 15º. So if on a beautiful summer day we are on a beach to catch the sun, for an hour without moving, then without leaving the same place, there was a displacement of our body of 15º in relation to the axis of our planet.
The Hour is a unit used to measure time intervals and corresponds to 60 minutes or 3600 seconds. In historical terms, this measure was calculated based on the rotation of the planet Earth. As of 1928, virtually every country in the world has adopted universal time. To determine the time in a given location, simply add or subtract an integer number of hours to universal time. This addition or subtraction will depend on whether we are located east or west of the Greenwich meridian. Between two consecutive time zones there is always a difference of one hour. As a curiosity, know that for every hour that passes are consumed more than 12 million cans of Coca-Cola and more than 1 million hamburgers.
`hr=dia xx 24`
If you do not wish to use our converter, you can always choose to perform the mathematical conversion operations manually. To do this, simply follow the following steps:
day to hour | day to hour |
0.25 day(s) = 6 hr | 4 day(s) = 96 hr |
0.5 day(s) = 12 hr | 4.5 day(s) = 108 hr |
1 day(s) = 24 hr | 5 day(s) = 120 hr |
1.25 day(s) = 30 hr | 6 day(s) = 144 hr |
1.5 day(s) = 36 hr | 7 day(s) = 168 hr |
1.75 day(s) = 42 hr | 8 day(s) = 192 hr |
2 day(s) = 48 hr | 9 day(s) = 216 hr |
2.5 day(s) = 60 hr | 10 day(s) = 240 hr |
3 day(s) = 72 hr | 12 day(s) = 288 hr |
3.5 day(s) = 84 hr | 15 day(s) = 360 hr |
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