Since 1983, the Meter has officially been defined as the length of the path traveled by the light in a vacuum during a certain time interval. The idea of a unified system of measures was first implemented in France at the time of the French Revolution. In the year 1789 a request was made to the members of the Academy of Sciences of that nation to create a unified system of measures. This system had several advantages compared to the previous ones, since the measures ceased to depend on parts of the human body, as they were until then, thus ceasing to be so arbitrary. This system was later followed by most countries in the world. According to the International System of Measures, the meter is considered to be the main unit of length measurement.
The word Kilometer is a combination of the prefix "kilo" (meaning thousand) with the word meter. That is the reason why one kilometer equals exactly one thousand meters. In spite of this, it should be noted that the abbreviation for the word kilometer is "km". To finish, never place the plural in the kilometer symbol, that is, whether it is 1 km or 8 km, the abbreviation should always appear in the singular.
`km=m / 1000`
If you do not wish to use our converter, you can always choose to perform the mathematical conversion operations manually. To do this, simply follow the following steps:
meter to km | meter to km |
10 m = 0,0100 km | 70 m = 0,0700 km |
15 m = 0,0150 km | 80 m = 0,0800 km |
20 m = 0,0200 km | 90 m = 0,0900 km |
25 m = 0,0250 km | 100 m = 0,1000 km |
30 m = 0,0300 km | 500 m = 0,5000 km |
35 m = 0,0350 km | 1000 m = 1 km |
40 m = 0,0400 km | 2000 m = 2 km |
45 m = 0,0450 km | 3000 m = 3 km |
50 m = 0,0500 km | 4000 m = 4 km |
60 m = 0,0600 km | 5000 m = 5 km |
While great efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of our conversion formulas, as well as all other information that is presented on our website, we can not give any guarantee or be held responsible for any errors that may have been made by our automatic calculators. As such, we urge our users to immediately contact with us if they find any error in the conversions made. Of course, we will try to correct any reported anomalies as quickly as possible! Thank you.