The Kilobyte is a multiple of a byte unit, the term has historically been used to refer to 1024 bytes (although in some contexts it may also represent 1000 bytes). This difference is related to the fact that the measurement units in computing are based on base 2 multiples (because of the bit). But the term kilo used as a prefix in units of measurement usually means 1000. To address this discrepancy, in 2000, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) approved new units of measurement, in which the Kibibyte (KiB) would be 1024 bytes, whereas the kilobyte would represent 1000 bytes. However, these new units did not have a great reception by the digital community. A kilobyte represents (approximately) the amount of information needed to store this paragraph you just read.
The Gigabyte is the equivalent of 1024 megabytes. The giga prefix originates from a Greek word meaning giant. Often, manufacturers of storage devices use the term to compare the cost per gigabyte of different units sold. Something similar, to what we do in the supermarket, when we are analyzing two similar products served in packages with different volumes. In these cases we compare the cost per pound to find out which one is best. This is a very common term used these days when we refer to disk space or storage drive. One gigabyte lets you store approximately the contents of several books used to fill a shelf about 10 feet long.
If you do not wish to use our converter, you can always choose to perform the mathematical conversion operations manually. To do this, simply follow the following steps:
kb to gb | kb to gb |
1024 kB = 0,0010 GB | 786432 kB = 0,7500 GB |
2048 kB = 0,0020 GB | 1048576 kB = 1 GB |
4096 kB = 0,0039 GB | 1572864 kB = 1,5000 GB |
8192 kB = 0,0078 GB | 2097152 kB = 2 GB |
10240 kB = 0,0098 GB | 3145728 kB = 3 GB |
20480 kB = 0,0195 GB | 7340032 kB = 7 GB |
81920 kB = 0,0781 GB | 10485760 kB = 10 GB |
102400 kB = 0,0977 GB | 20971520 kB = 20 GB |
204800 kB = 0,1953 GB | 26214400 kB = 25 GB |
524288 kB = 0,5000 GB | 41943040 kB = 40 GB |
While great efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of our conversion formulas, as well as all other information that is presented on our website, we can not give any guarantee or be held responsible for any errors that may have been made by our automatic calculators. As such, we urge our users to immediately contact with us if they find any error in the conversions made. Of course, we will try to correct any reported anomalies as quickly as possible! Thank you.