The Square Kilometer is a unit of surface measure, which corresponds to the area of a square with a kilometer of side. This measure is equivalent to one million square meters, or even to one hundred hectares. In many of the medieval cities of Europe, the area that was protected by the walls that surrounded the city, was about one square kilometer. With an area of 59.1 km², Manhattan has a population of 1,640,000. This gives an average of 27,750 people/km², which makes it one of the most densely populated areas on the planet!
The Square Meter is an area measurement that corresponds to a square one meter long by one meter wide. Sometimes on the Internet, we can find questions like "One square meter equals how many meters?". Well, a common error in calculations involving areas is to treat this measure as a linear measure, but this is a quadratic measure, so a square with 5 m of side has an area of not 5 m², but 25 m². Unfortunately, for lack of knowledge, many people do not correctly distinguish these two concepts. This unit of measurement is widely used in measuring rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. And for that reason it is common to see his appointment whenever we are dealing with the plan of an apartment or a house. This is a very important measure for the real estate market, since the value of real estate is often calculated, depending on the price of square meter, of the area where the property is.
`m^2=km^2 xx 1000000`
If you do not wish to use our converter, you can always choose to perform the mathematical conversion operations manually. To do this, simply follow the following steps:
km2 to m2 | km2 to m2 |
0.1 km² = 100000 m² | 20 km² = 20000000 m² |
0.2 km² = 200000 m² | 25 km² = 25000000 m² |
0.5 km² = 500000 m² | 30 km² = 30000000 m² |
1 km² = 1000000 m² | 35 km² = 35000000 m² |
2 km² = 2000000 m² | 40 km² = 40000000 m² |
3 km² = 3000000 m² | 45 km² = 45000000 m² |
4 km² = 4000000 m² | 50 km² = 50000000 m² |
5 km² = 5000000 m² | 60 km² = 60000000 m² |
10 km² = 10000000 m² | 70 km² = 70000000 m² |
15 km² = 15000000 m² | 80 km² = 80000000 m² |
While great efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of our conversion formulas, as well as all other information that is presented on our website, we can not give any guarantee or be held responsible for any errors that may have been made by our automatic calculators. As such, we urge our users to immediately contact with us if they find any error in the conversions made. Of course, we will try to correct any reported anomalies as quickly as possible! Thank you.