convert acre to hectare

Facts and Curiosities

Acre is an old unit of measurement used to measure land. The term comes from Old English which means "field drawn". During the Middle Ages, one acre represented the amount of land that could be plowed in one day with a cow. This is a unit of measure with little used currently. It can still be found in literature, being its most famous reference, The "Hundred Acre Wood", that is a fictional forest where Winnie-the-Pooh and its friends live.

One Hectare equals to one square hectometer or one hundred ares. This in square meters results in 10,000 m². To get the idea of what represents one hectare, just imagine a square terrain, with one hundred meters on each side. If you are a football fan, you can use the measure of the area of the playing field as equivalent to about one hectare. This is essentially an agrarian measure, widely used in calculating the size of agricultural areas, forests and natural areas. For example, at the time of fires, the burning area is always expressed in hectares.

Math Formula

`ha=(ac) / 2.4711`

If you do not wish to use our converter, you can always choose to perform the mathematical conversion operations manually. To do this, simply follow the following steps:

  1. Replace the variable ac with the value in acre that you want to convert.
  2. Carry out mathematical operations, respecting priorities.
  3. Get the final value of hectare ​​with the rounding you want.

Conversion Examples

acre to hectare acre to hectare
1 ac = 0,4047 ha 35 ac = 14,1637 ha
2 ac = 0,8094 ha 40 ac = 16,1871 ha
3 ac = 1,2140 ha 45 ac = 18,2105 ha
4 ac = 1,6187 ha 50 ac = 20,2339 ha
5 ac = 2,0234 ha 60 ac = 24,2807 ha
10 ac = 4,0468 ha 70 ac = 28,3275 ha
15 ac = 6,0702 ha 80 ac = 32,3742 ha
20 ac = 8,0936 ha 90 ac = 36,4210 ha
25 ac = 10,1170 ha 100 ac = 40,4678 ha
30 ac = 12,1403 ha 500 ac = 202,3390 ha

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